Was invited out to Eagle Ridge by Bob "The Blade" Robinson. He owed me for a round last year at The Preserve-so now we're even.
Had the pleasure of working with Bob up until I accepted a nice severance package from CC in September last year. The Blade has been around for years in Raleigh radio on WRDU. After the new guys from Charlotte came in and RDU flipped to Country & Western back in November, Blade lasted for maybe a week before walking off the set to the sounds of The Who...bold ballsy move, but I think everyone who knew Blade appreciated the gesture...screw the man...chalk one up for the working stiff. Isn't it funny how they don't call it Country AND WESTERN anymore?
Blade ended up in New Bern-Greenville on Classic Rock WSFL where he is happy, though broke to put it in his words. He's working and he's living close to The Atlantic---not bad in my opinion...it's always nice to have more money, but as I commented during our Golf Game yesterday, it's amazing how long you go without any money and cited myself as an example.
The Golf Round included Mark Brown a friend of Blade's who works at Heritage in the Pro Shop, a funny guy who apparently loves Sammy Davis imitations...Blade and Mark had fun talking up the Lounge Lizards...we'll be here all week, try the prime rib, tip the waitress and don't forget Fish Fry Friday...the impressions were endless...we all had trouble remembering who exactly was in the Rat Pack...Frank Sinatra of course, head rat, Sammy Davis Jr., Dean Martin (he was not even mentioned by anyone during the course of this meandering conversation), Peter Lawford---but the elusive "rat" I could see in my mind's eye but could not remember his name was Joey Bishop. Joey Fucking Bishop. I can rest easy now, but maybe should consider buying some ginkgo.
Saturday Golf was decent until the back 9, (a double on a par five and a triple on a freaking par three--13 fucking strokes in two holes---should have quit after nine) in fact had a 42 to Blade's 43 on the front 9 which I knew just pissed him off---Blade is very serious about his golf which is cool, but it's just a game to me and I know I am just a weekend hacker who lives in the eighties and low nineties---every once in a while this blind squirrel finds a nut and I'll shoot a sub 80 score---let's see--three times in ten years...did I say Weekend Hacker? Hey when you play once maybe twice a week and seldom practice what can anyone expect? There won't be any fantasies of Senior PGA floating around in my head...maybe a weekend at Pinehurst, just to say I've played it. Golf does not define my life---like it, love to play, respect the game, enjoy the camaraderie, like to compete but will never play for money, will never throw clubs into a lake and will never give myself a score higher than an eight unless I am in a Tournament like member-guest or in a rare instance of playing "Follow The Wolf".
Golf is a difficult game. Everything must come together perfectly to have a decent round and score. You can drive the ball a mile one day but suck at putting or you could be sinking all your putts but you spent three or four strokes trying to get on the green...you could have driving and putting down but spend the day chili dipping your chip shots or dealing with the dreaded "S" word. When you consider what pros must do (putting four good scores together on consecutive days)--it's a game you certainly learn to respect. Don't get me wrong, I aspire to be better, but only within the context of what I have invested. If I am not playing and practicing everyday, my expectations are not going to be high-I don't want to be miserable all the time. If I am at the range everyday working on my game fundamentals and playing three to four rounds a week and I am still not very good, then I need lessons and a lot of them!
91 today. A 13 stroke swing from just a few days ago...now that's consistency.
Ouch babe, that hurts. We'll be here all week....
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