2007 represented LOSS.
Income came to a grinding halt in March 2007 after the six month severance expired. Jobs were few and certainly not the pay grade of the last three years.
Joy gave up her Horse, Lucky, to a friend's daughter.
A very close and dear friend for Joy, Shelly, passed from cancer.
"Birdie" our Cockatiel bird died.
Simba our beloved Siamese cat died.
We are selling our house that we love not because we can no longer afford it, but more because it is just too much house. With no more kids in the house, we don't need the room.
Connor returned to his Mother in Redding and she has been taking me to Court in California for Child Support, all because her husband of ten years divorced her and said he had enough as well. I still waffle as to whether or not I should fight for custody, but you know what? Let Connor discover for himself what life with his Mother is all about.
For the first time in 32 years, I am thinking of doing something other than Radio to earn a paycheck.
Let's see-- no degree, no certifications, no licenses to speak of, 53 years old and the only thing I've ever done is speak on the radio or direct the programming on the radio or voice commercials to be played on the radio...pretty narrow corridor of opportunity-this radio thing. The plan is to sell our house in Raleigh and move to Savannah and rent; maybe I can use the time to get a Real Estate License or finish my degree or get some form of certification that will allow me to do something else to earn a paycheck if I so choose.
I enjoy being on the air and will probably do Mornings on BIG 98. It's all about generating content anymore, everything else is superfluous. Create great content that people want and get it on all the media platforms available. I got into this business of radio to be on the air, to entertain, to inform, to give back to the community...sometimes things have a way of coming full circle and for the better.
The last few days I came down with a terrible stomach virus or flu, couldn't eat, passed out in bed, feeling like someone punched me a million times in the stomach...the thought or smell of food made me gag. Here it is January 1st 2008 and I feel like I have purged all the toxins out of my body as well as all the bad crap that happened in 2007. I have shaved all the hair off my face and have a new outlook and feeling for the year ahead.
The prospects for 2008 are looking GREAT! Time to put the past behind me and move forward with a positive vibe!!!